Benjamin Weinlich
Möglichkeiten sind unendlich
Die Reise endet nie
Es ist 1983, ein Jahr in dem es nur eine Handvoll Kanäle gibt und das Internet noch nicht existiert. Globalisierung steckt noch in den Anfängen und China ist noch lange keine Supermacht. Während dieser einfacheren Zeit kam ich als Kind einer thailändischen Mutter und eines deutschen Vaters in der Stadt Nürnberg in Deutschland auf die Welt.
During my upbringing I was shaped by an ugly divorce of my parents and the constant feeling that I was ever so slightly different to my blond and blue eyed friends.
Thanks to my Thai mother I was very good at understanding foreigners who only spoke a few words of German since I had to understand them anyway. And my dad taught me how to be generous and enjoy life, even when times are dark and hopeless.
Both are not in my life anymore. My dad died when I was 21 years old and my mother is not allowed to live in Germany anymore. She's been exiled to live in Thailand. A country I have never been to as of my 39th life year.
The uncertain and unusual situations my parents put me into made me highly flexible when dealing with new circumstances and environments. I'm open to the unknown and nothing excites me more than to learn a new skill.
This website acts as a platform to all the different projects I started in my life. It's by no means complete, but it shall give you a general idea of who I am and what I do.
Hopefully this platform will be helpful to you in one way or another.
Thank you for visiting this website.